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Garbanzo Tofu



This tofu does not contain soy. If you don't like soy, this is a nice alternative for soy tofu. With only three ingredients and little time, you have a result of garbanzo tofu that has the texture between pudding and tofu. Garbanzo bean has so many benefits for you, this is another way to add more garbanzo beans in your diet.

Just one cup serving of chickpeas contains (in daily recommended values):

268 calories

12.5 grams of dietary fiber

14.5 grams of protein

4.2 grams of fat

84% manganese

71% folate

29% copper

28% phosphorus

26% iron

17% zinc

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1.5 hours/ 6 servings 


  • 200g garbanzo beans
  • 500 ml water
  • pinch of salt 
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  1. Soak garbanzo beans over night.
  2. Drain and put the garbanzo beans in blender with 500ml water and blend smooth.
  3. Pour the mixture into cheese cloth with a bowl underneath to catch the garbanzo juice.
  4. With your hands squeeze as hard as you can to extract as much juice as you can.
  5. Pour the garbanzo juice into a saucepan and turn on medium heat, gently stir the garbanzo juice until it gradually thickens.
  6. Pour the thicken mixture into ramekins or bowls.
  7. Let it cool in room temperature until it hardens or put in fridge after it has cooled down.

It's summer right now, so I pretty much eat this cold, with a little soy sauce (just like eating cold tofu).

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by Chelsea Riz