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Crunchy Wrap 

Grab & Go lunch 帶我去上班的脆餅夾

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For the Crunchy Wrap:

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tsp yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp Italian herb seasoning
  • Hard Italian cheese 
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  1. In a bowl mix together flour and salt.
  2. Add yeast and honey into 1 cup of warm water and allow to sit for 10 minutes until dissolve.
  3. Add olive oil into the water mixture.
  4. Pour flour into wet ingredients a cup at a time and mix with a mixer or hands.
  5. Knead 5-6 minutes until dough is smooth, slightly firm and barely sticky dough.
  6. Cover the dough and leave it at a warm spot like your oven for 35-45 minutes until the dough doubles in size.
  7. Take the dough out of the bowl and pat it down.
  8. Divide it into two pieces.
  9. Take one piece, fold and tug the dough underneath about 6-7 times as you shape it into a circle.
  10. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin, roll it pretty flat.
  11. Brush with a little oil and sprinkle with cheese.
  12. Repeat with another piece of dough except you can skip the cheese part.
  13. Put the second dough onto the first dough and pinch the edges to hold both together.
  14. Brush oil on top and sprinkle with herb and more cheese if desired.
  15. Bake in preheated 240°C oven with a baking stone for about 10-15 minutes until slightly brown.
  16. After it has cooled down, you can carefully cut it in half (it is very crispy, it will crack a bit, I find using scissors is the easiest).
  17. Now you can fill it up with whatever you fancy, peanut butter, lettuce, asparagus, pickles...
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This crunchy wrap is ideal to take to work because it won't make a liquid mess and you eat it with your hands. 

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by Chelsea Riz